Melanesian Spearhead Group Secretariat

Excelling together towards a progressive and prosperous Melanesia

Annual Reports

Our solidarity and resolve in the global fight for a greener and bluer planet must continue unabated. Our small island states are the innocent victims of the existential climate change crisis created by the developed countries.  

Hon. James Marape, MP
Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and Chair of the MSG

“I wish to remind us again that the MSG was established ideally to encourage regional diplomacy and friendly relations, maintain peace and harmony, encourage free trade …”

Hon. James Marape, MP
Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and Chair of the MSG

Together let us move forward as one people to serve our Melanesian region, with its diverse cultures, traditions, and abundant natural resources. Let us work together to save our land, sea and air from exploitation.

Hon. James Marape, MP
Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and Chair of the MSG

” I have the honour to present the Annual Report on the activities of the MSG Secretariat for the period of January to December 2018 as mandated upon the Director General pursuant to Article 14(6) of the Agreement Establishing the MSG (Revised 2015)”.

Hon. Peter O’Neil, MP
Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and Chair of the MSG

“I acknowledge the unyielding support rendered by my fellow Leaders during the year…”

Hon. Rick Hounipwelai, MP
Prime Minister of Solomon Islands and Chair of MSG

” I thank all Members for their support towards my chairmanship and for their hospitality during my visits to the MSG capitals in February”

Hon. Manasse Sogavare, MP
Prime Minister of Solomon Islands and Chair of MSG

“It is with great honour that I present the 2015 Annual Report for MSG…”

Hon. Manasse Sogavare, MP
Prime Minister of Solomon Islands and Chair of MSG

“…I am pleased to report that all theseactivities undertaken in 2014 have greatly helped Kanaky-New Caledonia, through the FLNKS…”

Mr. Victor Tutugoro
FLNKS Spokesperson & Chair of the MSG

“As the Chair of the MSG, I am pleased to note the progress made in 2013. It has been a challenging but successful year .”

Mr. Victor Tutugoro
FLNKS Spokesperson & Chair of the MSG

This is my second annual report following my appointment as Director General in September 2011.  

Mr. Peter Forau
Director General – MSG Secretariat

“I acknowledge the hard work of staff and the support and leadership of the Chair, the Government of Fiji…”

Mr. Peter Forau
Director General – MSG Secretariat


The Secretariat looks forward to 2011 with new vigor
in view of the 18th MSG Leaders Summit to be convened in

Mr. Rima Ravusiro
Director General – MSG Secretariat

“This is the MSG Secretariat first Annual Report and as can be appreciated, we have had to deal with the whole range of establishment issues. In terms of policy substance there is minimal reporting and we can only assure our readers that future editions will contain more reading on the policy front.

It is my pleasure to present the 2009 Annual Report of the MSG Secretariat and despite 
the embryonic nature of the organization I trust you will find it interesting and informative…”

Mr. Rima Ravusiro
Director General – MSG Secretariat